Friday, July 17, 2009

Is T-Mobile's 3G Coverage Ready For Primetime?

You've Free Speed Test heard high speed internet buzz. T-Mobile's finally got 3G service. Finally, mobile broadband speed comes to many a people's favorite carrier. Well, this isn't a public relations piece so streamyx area gonna get the good, bad Isp Package ugly.

If write a screenplay of a truthful dialogue between T-Mobile and its potential customers it'd go something like this:

Does T-Mobile have 3G?


Is Bluehyppo Malaysia any good?


What do you mean sometimes?

Because they just launched their 3G service it's extremely limited compared to the big 3 (Verizon, AT&T and Sprint). The initial goal was about 30 major cities. Tmnet Streamyx Mail broadband and line rental if you're streamyx com a hot town like Los Angeles or Washington, D.C. but let's say you're in Jacksonville, FL. Things get interesting. Mostly the city is on the Wireless Adsl Modem Router EDGE network but there's this dark blue streak that gives you's darker than the light blue indicating EDGE but lighter than the blue that means 3G. What the heck is that?

Depending on the device you're using, this Satellite Broadband not matter all that much to you. If you're browsing on your T-Mobile G1 then everything might be fine as you check email. But what if you wanted to tether to your laptop or use a broadband card? Not happening.

Verdict: T-Mobile's 3G network is fine for early adopters and people who don't demand the highest speed available. Don't bet on them doing rapidly fast upgrades throughout the country. If you need speed, check out another carrier. Of course, I don't have to tell you to do 2 last things before making a final judgment. After all, you did come searching for this information.

Two Steps To Take Next:
1- Sign up for the Free E-Course "Wireless Broadband Exposed". It's like your pre-marital counselor and prenuptial agreement all in one. It'll save you from any future heartache and checkbook punches that might come your way.
2-Click on "Reviews" in the top Internet Security Consultant bar to check out the interactive coverage map.

Your Mobile Internet Guide

3 Years of Telecom Experience, 1 Year of Web Development, 51 pages of mobile broadband content reviewed daily.

That looks painful!Kobe's wife, Vanessa, stepped out at the ESPY awards on Wednesday in some sparkly titay bondage gear.Those suckers are all over the place!Maybe Kobe can buy her some new ones!These look a little worse for wear!!!

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